You know how Arkansas is known for being rocky? Yeah, our animals know how to use said rocks to their advantage.
When I started halter breaking Daisy she lived in the pen with a bull calf so I decided to halter break him too. He was not overly fond of this arrangement and fought the halter most days.
My solution was to get Grandma to go out to the pen and follow Buddy around while I lead him. Every time he stopped before I told him too Grandma would pay his rear or twist his tail and get him moving again. It worked out fine until he got smarter than us.
One time Grandma twisted his tail and the little stinker took off at a dead run. Understand that this little guy had the speed of a car. Being the stubborn person I am, I tried to keep up with him so I wouldn't have to let go of the rope. I did pretty good for about five seconds before I tripped on a rock and hit the ground. Did you know that a determined calf can drag you quite a ways even if you are bigger than them? I found out the hard way.
"Let go of the rope!" Grandma yelled and trust me I tried. One of my fingers had gotten caught in a knot that wasn't actually supposed to be in the rope.
I don't know if I finally got my finger unstuck or the calf stopped but I finally stopped in a pile of rocks. Luckily I was not seriously injured.
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