Balancing Your Time Between Life and Your Show Stock
Sometimes it can be hard to balance the amount of time you spend each day with your livestock and everything else in your life. On the one hand, if you spend all day with your animal, you will miss out on oppurtunities to experience new things or make new friends. The alternative is often spending little to no time with your livestock and can result in a nearly wild animal that doesn't trust or obey you. I have a few steps that can help balance your time.- Make a schedule. This is especially helpful if you work or have more than one animal. Since I work during the day, I try to set aside a few hours each evening to work with my animals. Because I have more than one, I alternate who I work with on each day. One day I spend more time working with Trigger and vice versa with Amigo.
- Even a little time helps. Maybe you have a full day planned and that's alright but you can still take 5 minutes to work with your animal. A friend once told me "It's better to do a good 5 minute session than no session at all."
- Get your friends and family involved. I have several friends that love to come over and work with my animals and my sister and I ride and train horses together. This is a good way to spend time with your livestock and friends.
- Bond with your animal. Even if you can't work with them, take a minute to scratch them and let them know you love them. This builds a lot of trust between the two of you.
I hope these tips help you as much as they have me. Now, go have fun and good luck!
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