Thursday's Thoughts- Jonah Chapter Four
1-3. God was quick to forgive Nineveh, but, like most people, Jonah had some issues with accepting His plan. He had heard God swear to destroy the city, and then, just as quickly, forgive them of everything and spare their lives. His response was to immediately question God. Here he was in his enemies city waiting for them to be overthrown like they had done to Israel and God was changing his mind. He was so upset that he even told God it would be better for him to die than live another moment.
4-11. In his fit of rage, Jonah left the city and went into the mountains to see if God would really spare the city. It was hot so God made a gourd to grow up to give Jonah some shade. Jonah was more than happy for the plant and accompanying shade and he rested. To teach him a lesson, God made a worm to destroy the plant while Jonah slept. In the morning, God sent a hot wind which scorched Jonah until he felt that he'd rather die. Now comes God's lesson. Jonah was mad at the gourd for springing up and then dying but God pointed out that he had no right to have pity on something he did not create and nurture and watch die. If Jonah had created the plant, he would not have readily destroyed it. In much the same way, God created every individual in the city of Nineveh and did not want to destroy his labor of love.
I believe that forgiveness is very much the theme of this book. We are sometimes quick to judge Jonah for being so harsh on the Ninevehites, but how often are we unwilling to forgive others? It's hard to remember that God created everyone and He loves us all. How would you feel if you made something you loved with all your heart and someone else came up and said, "That's horrible. You should destroy it." That's we do to God when we don't forgive and love others. Just like God forgives us for everything we do, we should be willing to forgive others.
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