Psalm One
Verse 1- In this verse, the writer commends the man who does not associate himself with sinners. He doesn't take counsel with ungodly and listen to their advice.This man doesn't walk in the sinner's footsteps. In other words, he walks a different path than sinful men. He doesn't participate in their activities or copy their actions. He is following God's instructions to be different from the world.
Verse 2- This man delights himself in the law of the Lord. Nothing makes him happier than reading God's word and talking to Him no matter what time of day it is.
Verse 3- A Christian who witnesses for the Lord is like a tree. He brings others to Christ like the tree produces fruit. Anything that he does in the name of God will prosper.
Verse 4- In this verse the writer likens the ungodly to chaff. When wheat is tossed into the wind, the grain will fall back into the basket, but the chaff blows away in the wind.
Verse 5- When we get to the judgement, the sinners will be rejected by God. He will say to them "Depart from me." They will be separated from the Christians and spend eternity in torment.
Verse 6- When we obey the Bible, God will remember our actions. The actions of the ungodly will perish.
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