Let's take some time today to observe a man that represents what we should act like as Christians. His name is Job and you can read his full story in the Old Testament but I'll give you a brief overview. The book of Job opens up to a scene from God's court. The sons of God had come to present themselves and among them was Satan. God couldn't help but boast about his number one servant Job. Satan laughed and pointed out that, like all men, Job would only love God as long as his life was good. Does this sound like a challenge to you because it did to God. He promptly gave Satan permission to do whatever he wished to Job as long as he did not harm him. Job was considered rich in those days because he had livestock. In Job 1:13-19, Satan strikes and Job loses everything including all of his animals and children. The only things left in his world were his house and his wife, yet he didn't respond the way most people would. In fact, his response is truly baffling but...
Is being a farm girl hard? Yes, yes it is. Am I going to blog about it and make you guys laugh? Yes, yes I will.