This is a controversial topic among many Christians. Can you really get to Heaven on just faith? Most of the controversy stems from James 2 which has a lot to say about faith. From this chapter many people draw the conclusion that in order to get to Heaven you have to do great works, but I disagree. While I'm not saying that you can be a bad person and still make it to Heaven just because you have faith. That would be wrong. Let me ask you a question. Picture a man that has sinned his whole life. He drank and did drugs. The state prison guards could tell you his life story because they heard him tell it many times. On this man's death bed he accepts the Lord as his Savior. He died right after he asks God to forgive him. If this man has never done a good work in his life will God turn him away from Heaven? I don't believe he would as long as the man was sincere when he asked for forgiveness. Now let's look at a man who's done nothing but good things hi...
Is being a farm girl hard? Yes, yes it is. Am I going to blog about it and make you guys laugh? Yes, yes I will.